Titan was born in 1917 in a small laboratory in the historic center of Barcelona. Since its creation TITAN Arts has become a pioneer company in Spain in the manufacture of paintings for the Fine Arts. A young Chemist began to investigate materials, oils, resins, pigments... to materialize the passion of artisans for the world of color.

Precursor Brand
Our enthusiasm for the trade led us to grow and expand to new facilities in the industrial zone of Barcelona, Poble Nou, where with the same traditional process, we continued formulating with pigments and binders to create paints for fine arts, so that artists and painters could unleash their creativity. Thus was born, in the mid-forties and after the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War, the Titan oil color line, precursor brand of TITAN Arts.
The quantity of oil colors and formulations became such that the brand began to grow in international fame, so much so that even Parisian painters exchanged two tubes of the best French oil for one of Titan.

New Factory
In 1955 we started up a new factory which allowed us to develop the entire paint manufacturing process, which made us the only company in the sector to achieve such a milestone. Years later, and thanks to our efforts to improve our techniques and products, we became the undisputed leaders in the Spanish market.
Working with artists and teachers has provided us with all the professional knowledge to achieve chromaticism and compositions, in accordance with the expectations of the different styles and schools.
Today, from our factory in Sant Fruitós del Bages we continue to investigate and improve our processes, combining technology with the strictest respect for tradition, to produce colors that inspire painters of today and tomorrow.

What makes us
The chemical origin of the peculiar characteristics of TITAN Arts fine art paint is due to the use of self-made compounds of historical and epic origin.
What is this historical origin? The peculiar characteristics of TITAN Arts' fine art painting arise, among other things, from the need to find new raw materials in the midst of the Spanish postwar period, when the established autarky and the famine generated by the war prevented access to the more common raw materials. Once again, creativity and art made their way even in the worst circumstances, leaving the legacy of a range of products with their own personality, offering a unique experience to the artist, which is why they are highly appreciated by the most renowned artists.